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AS35625 Eurofiber France // Peering policy

We have an open peering policy, details of which can be found on this page.





BGP Communities

General actions

0:65535 Do not announce to transits
0:65530 Do not announce to partial transits
0:65534 Do not announce to paid PNIs
0:65000 Do not announce to free peers

Transit actions

1:6501$ LUMEN Paris (AS3356)
1:6502$ LUMEN Bruxels (AS3356)
1:6503$ LUMEN Marseille (AS3356)
1:6504$ GTT Paris (AS3257)
1:6505$ GTT Marseille (AS3257)

Partial transit actions

1:6507$ Eurofiber (AS29396)

IXP actions

0:6501$ LillIX
0:6502$ FranceIX Paris
0:6503$ Equinix-IX Paris
0:6504$ NL-IX
0:6505$ DE-CIX Marseille

PNI actions

2:6502$ Google / AS15169 (PNI-PAR)
2:6503$ Google / AS15168 (PNI-MRS)
2:6504$ Amazon / AS16509 (PNI-PAR)
2:6505$ Amazon / AS16509 (PNI-MRS)
2:6506$ Microsoft/ AS8075 (PNI-PAR)
2:6507$ Microsoft / AS8075 (PNI-MRS)
2:6508$ Eurofiber NL / AS39686 (PNI-AMS)

$ Values

1 Prepend once (35625 35625) 
2 Prepend twice (35625 35625 35625) 
3 Prepend three times (35625 35625 35625 35625) 
4 Don't reannounce at all


BGP customer can announce upto /32 within their supernets with special use community 35625:0
It will have the effect to discard all traffic towards the announced subnet and be re exported
to our transits having an analog discard community (not exported to downstreams, peers or transits w/o blackhole community)